Booking with Precision is simple!
Select your desired service below, enter your contact info and make the payment. That's it! Within 1 business day, we will contact you to confirm your selection, create your online account and book your dates. Let's get started!
We will send follow up instructions to your email upon booking. Also, we will give you a call within one business day.
Click here if you are a current customer and would like to Edit a booking or make a new booking:
Precision Dog Training Academy Services
Click Here for Boarding Only (with no Training)
Board and Train
(Price includes boarding)
2 week
$730 when booking
- Remaining Payments
- $730 on dropoff and $730 on pick up
3 week
$933 when booking
- Remaining Payments
- $933 on dropoff and $933 on pick up
4 week
$1134 when booking
- Remaining Payments
- $1134 on dropoff and $1134 on pick up
Private Training
5 sessions
- Pay in full
9 sessions
- Pay in full
13 (aggression)
- Pay in full
Group Classes
Puppy 101
$375 / 8 Classes
- Pay in full
Puppy 201
$375 / 8 Classes
- Pay in full
Intermediate Adult
- Pay in full
Agility Level 1
$379 / 8 Classes
- Pay in full