Professional Training Vs. Home Training – Which One Is Best for Your Puppy

Professional Dog Training in Shawnee, Ks

Puppies are adorable pets. They play around, dash from room to room, eat, and sleep. While doing all of it, they never fail to win you with their cute little paws. While getting a puppy is an exciting move, training it can be a tricky part for many pet owners. Is a dog trainer worth it? Should you train your puppy at home? If these questions keep you back and forth, we have covered a comparison of professional training vs. home training to help you decide.

Home Puppy Training

Home training is the go-to choice for many puppy lovers. They make a training schedule and show much excitement about doing it. However, only a few pet owners accomplish this objective. We have mentioned a few factors about home puppy training below to help you understand.

Time and Attention

You need dedicated time, space, and focus while training your puppy at home. Puppies require attention when training them. You may want to do it in a timely manner. Many pet owners opt for a random training schedule when conducting home training. Such habits can lead to ineffective training. You may only opt for home training if you have the proper time and attention for your pet.

Training Gear

Professional dog trainers at Precision Dog Training Academy use proper training gear and techniques to ensure effective results. When you do it at home, you may need expert knowledge to source dog training gear, including a suitable leash, dog treats, a training space, and expertise. Most home trainers miss out on this checklist and regret it later.


Dog training costs at home may vary depending on the protocol you achieve. If you develop a training field at home, it may cause labor and maintenance costs. Moreover, you may need training equipment to train your puppy at home. While valid, the dog training costs at home are relatively lower than professional training costs.

Professional Puppy Training

If you choose one of the best dog trainers in Kansas City to train your little buddy, you can save time and expect effective results. Many pet owners prefer professional dog training to avoid risking poor pet habits. We have covered a few factors you may consider when choosing professional puppy training.

Personal Association

Professional dog training allows your puppy to learn various training commands from the pros. Experts train puppies in a designated space and use proper techniques to ensure effective results. While professional dog training has more pros, the lack of personal association is the downside. When puppies stay away from their pet owner, they may have attachment issues.

Dedicated Training

Expert dog trainers train puppies in a proper facility. Unlike home training, dog training academies have the proper gear, knowledge, and training techniques to handle various dog breeds. Moreover, if you board and train at Precision Dog Training Academy in Kansas City, your puppy may develop the confidence to interact with others without sensing fear. Many pet owners wonder why their dog acts shy when a guest arrives. Early training habits have a strong impact on your puppy’s conduct.

Training Costs

Professional dog training costs are higher than home training. You can compare it with home studies versus school studies. When you send your dog to a training academy, professionals use their expertise to train your puppy. They charge a training fee for offering their services. Moreover, dog trainers often use proper leashes and other training-related gear to train puppies. Such items have a particular cost. When you go for professional training, a dog trainer may quote you the total cost before you decide.

Which One Is Better?

Deciding between professional dog training and home training can be difficult for some people. However, an easy way to decide is to compare your options based on the mentioned factors. For instance, if you are a dog expert and have the time to train your puppy at home, you may quickly rule out the professional training option.

On the contrary, a lack of expertise and time creates a need for expert puppy training. Another factor is dog training costs. Home training is more cost-effective than professional training. If you need an affordable option, professional dog training may be unsuitable. The best way is to visit one of the best dog trainers in Kansas City, like Precision Dog Training Academy, to discuss your training needs and get a cost breakdown. If it suits your budget, you can board and train your dog in the facility.

You may also thoroughly analyze your training space at home before opting for home puppy training. If you live in areas with forests nearby, you may not want to risk your puppy’s life. Some home trainers overlook the safety factor and regret their choice later.

The Bottomline

The above analysis can help you compare the pros and cons of professional and home puppy training. Hiring a professional for dog training in Shawnee, KS, can help you achieve your puppy training goals. Precision Dog Training Academy is a reputable training facility in Kansas City. You may contact one of the training experts to discuss your puppy training needs.